Have your voice heard by SWA's Committee and Management Company

Why This Website?

SWA is managed by a Committee and a paid Management company.  They are there to represent you and your needs and concerns.  In recent times, some of us owners feel we are not being heard or just being brushed off or muzzled as nuisances when issues are raised.  Sometimes important information is withheld or comes with a pre-determined spin.  

We recognise respectfully that being on a committee is a tough job trying to please everyone.  But we also recognise that Committee members are human beings and like all human beings they can make mistakes and occasionally indulge in personality clashes. In some cases, they don’t have the spread of skills to manage a $43 million dollar asset like SWA.  At times they can misrepresent situations by shooting from the hip and responding in ways contrary to Body Corporate law and common sense.     

  • Bad decisions can affect real estate values plus cost you thousands with extra levies. 
  • Your voice is important.  We all have a large financial asset at stake.

This is not “Them and Us”

This site has been initiated by concerned owners – owners like you – we must have a voice.

Through management company SMG, the current Committee has instructed that they are to receive no direct communication from owners and further made it very clear that owners will not be allowed to speak at meetings (as demonstrated at the 2022 AGM). 

We want to positively support the SWA Committee and management but we must be heard to make our community better.  Like all management in any business, a responsible Committee and management must be held accountable to the owners for their decisions and actions.  Through this website and emails, we will keep owners (who sign up below) informed of all sides of any story.  If we feel that proposals are being put forward with faulty decision processes or a spin intended to bias owners’ opinions, we will inform you and collectively request substantiation from the Committee.

Issues of interest and importance to SWA residents and owners will be published in our Forum section.  If you join our Forum and mailing list, you’ll be updated on current issues. The Committee – as owners – are invited here too so that they understand clearly how owners feel.

Submit your issues or comments on the Forum.  Let other owners and residents hear your concerns, complaints and compliments for committee and management … discuss them … we’ll  forward them to SMG for decisions – where required.   (The Forum is moderated to avoid abuse).

Know you have other owners supporting you. 

This is not a forum to provide open slather criticism or division. It will not be entertained or published.

What all owners desire is to live in an harmonious community … that is achieved by good active communication …

 having a voice. 

Together … let’s create that harmony with accountability in our SWA community.